Our Raven20 portfolio generated
%1791 profit since inception
Our AI Engine created the best long-term portfolios for long-term investors.
The idea behind our portfolios was you would have an investment portfolio that is less subject to market swings and should outperform the market.
We update our portfolios every quarter (3 months) and send them to our customers via detailed email.
Fund Returns over Time
Portfolio | YTD | 1Y | 5Y | Total | Annualized |
S&P500 | 11,88% | 28,09% | 105,66% | 491,00% | 10,18% |
Raven20 | 22,15% | 46,05% | 126,05% | 1791,13% | 17,39% |
Raven30 | 19,06% | 44,02% | 94,35% | 1223,28% | 15,13% |
Portfolio | YTD | 1Y | 5Y | Total | Annualized |
Russell2000 | 2,50% | 18,73% | 47,07% | 262,10% | 7,27% |
Raven20Growth | 11,71% | 28,61% | 62,51% | 1049,13% | 14,25% |
Raven30Growth | 10,74% | 25,42% | 62,66% | 866,80% | 13,17% |
We have a one-time entry-fee service for retail investors who want to avoid analyzing the market, following news, or investing for the long term and want to beat SP500 every year.
Email us from [email protected] to get more information.